In the Episcopal Church, “vestry” is the term used to refer to the body of elected lay leaders who are responsible for, among other things, the budgeting and management of parish finances, establishing policies and procedures, and maintaining the church buildings and campus. Vestry members serve for three years on a rotating basis, and every January four new members are elected at the parish Annual Meeting. Lindsay Whipple, Senior Warden Click here for a list of the Vestry members and their Liaison responsibilities.
Stewardship Commission
Stewardship is everything we do after we say “I believe,” and the job of the commission is to assist in providing stewardship education year-round as well as spearheading the annual pledge campaign. Information on how and why to make a pledge is always available.
Endowment Committee
The ministry of planned giving allows each of us to express our personal values, our gratitude for God’s blessings, and our love for Trinity in a lasting and tangible way. The job of the Endowment Committee is to provide information and education about how each of us can participate in Trinity’s ministries well into the future, to the glory of God.
Property Group
Come get your hands dirty and wipe the sweat off your brow every Friday morning with a dedicated group of men who help maintain the church property. We can’t get by without them! Head of Property, Doug Knarr